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Mexican Folk Art
Huichol art (Wixarika)
Huichol art .- With the patience characteristic of the Huichol people, the artist's hands transform the tiny beads of glass beads in beautiful and bright motifs, beads are attached to the piece that has previously been covered with ahesivo (wax campeche). The result is an explosion of color, full of sacred symbols for the Huichol culture. A must for lovers of the rich culture of Mexico view.
Huichol culture by pre-Columbian traditions linked to shamanic ceremonies at their historical past guide. The Jicuri (peyote) is the centerpiece of Huichol ritualism, revered for its healing properties and its ability to illuminate it involved.
Processing technique: On the figure the Huichol artist is placing beeswax on the whole piece to completely cover subsequently be sticking one by one the beads (glass beads) to complete the piece; in drafting the Huichol artist develops various drawings and representative symbols of their culture and traditions.
Maintenance: To prevent the tiny beads of glass beads loosen, do not expose this part directly to heat or light, as it can melt the adhesive Campeche wax (beeswax).